onespirit supervisor

sonya leite

My faith is based on the core teachings of many Spiritual paths

& inspired teachers,

my intention is to support you to be

radiant, healthy & free.

What year were you ordained? 2002

What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? I wanted to explore and deepen into the Mystical in Religious / Spiritual Paths, experientially, beyond dogma and academic perspectives.

What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? The need for Support and Supervision is necessary when navigating our connection to the Divine. The importance of being witnessed and held as others deepen their faith through trust and exploration. To offer a safe space to anchor our Spiritual Counselling Model and learn to use it wherever Ministry calls them to be.

What services do you provide? Spiritual Counselling, Supervision. Head, Heart and Body Practices for the whole being, accessing your imagination (Mind) inspiration (Spirit) intuition (Body).

How can clients get in touch with you? Through email and 15-minute exploratory phone calls.

Get to Know Me

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? To represent an organisation that trained me to live and work with my Spiritual beliefs.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Building the depth of intimacy that can be formed when two are gathered and focusing on finding our way back to love. We are both growing and accepting the inner authority of our Divine wisdom and building a sacred relationship with the God/Love of our understanding.

How do you put your personal ministry into practice? I take care of myself so I can care and serve others. I use ritual and Spiritual practices in my daily routine. I commit to ongoing professional development, Supervision and yearly retreats. I use sound, music and movement to clear imbalances. I offer bedside singing for those in transition, silent retreats and holistic dance classes to activate our natural joy and peace.

Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? I let it unfold naturally by listening to what I am being called to do, say or be at any moment.

How do you personally interpret the words “interfaith” or “interfaith minister”? An open-minded Minister not adhering to any dogma and offering solace and service to those of all faith and none.

Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening a minister’s practices? The Supervision we offer is one of supporting the strengths and creativity of each person and providing a safe haven to explore anything that may be blocking their self-expression and confidence. We all need someone who can see us, hear us, champion and challenge not only our work but who we are being. Supervision is an outward manifestation of oneness – of seeing the other as one and a part of ourselves and guiding our Ministers/Students to integrate this understanding.