shianna ravenlaw

What year were you ordained? 2003

What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? It felt like a natural step in my awakening journey to join with others in sangha, diving more deeply into the Mystical experience beyond academia and dogma. The call was also to grow the depth of my offerings within my existing Holistic Counselling practice and within the co-creation of inspiring ceremony that brings tangible healing benefits to people’s lives.

What services do you provide? Supervision, Spiritual Counselling and Accompaniment: one-to-one and couples, Ceremony for Life’s Rites of Passage, Sacred gatherings, Energy Balancing and Breathing practices, Meditation, Chanting, Ancestral Healing, Metamorphic Technique and Indian Head Massage.

How can clients get in touch with you? By email and phone. You can find out more about me from my OneSpirit Minister Profile which also includes testimonials.

"Someone who can meet with and behold the innate Wholeness within others, through a ‘clean’ lens, emanating the deepest compassion."

– Shianna, OneSpirit Supervisor

What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? Supervision is a deeply beautiful and essential aspect of our work exploring the mysteries of the Divine. It offers a safe space in which we are fully witnessed, encouraged, blessed and lovingly challenged to keep our connection to Spirit ‘clean and true’. This supports us to serve others – in whatever capacity that may be – from the deepest place of integrity and embodied awareness. The Supervision I receive is a wonderful gift and I’ve been called to offer such a space for other ministers and for ministers in training since 2006.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? My ministry offers me a vehicle through which I can offer a loving presence, my skills and experience. I meet wonderful people, celebrating with them during significant and joyful life events as well as holding healing space during tender experiences of loss, mourning and deep transition. I have the privilege of witnessing the healing journey – the dissolving of the hurts, wounds and scars of life and then beholding the deep joys of pivotal, life-changing insights and awakenings. It is a deeply beautiful and fulfilling path.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Joining with another in deep trust and conscientious focus. Both of us growing in awareness and in our capacity to recognise and accept the inner sovereignty of our Divine Truth and allow it to lead the way home to love.

How do you put your personal ministry into practice? Daily spiritual practices, which grow as I grow, along with holistic self-care. All support me in being available to enjoy life and to be present with others. I receive regular Supervision, a wonderful essential ingredient, as is fresh air, infectious laughter and music. Singing and chanting are figuring more and more significantly as an effective way of bringing forth resonance, coherence and creativity.

Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? I have found that ‘planning’ for the future, without inviting in the Divine, really limits the possibilities! When I drop control and give space to inspiration and trust the process, I find I connect to a wider field of awareness and clarity, which guides me with how to be and what to say, do and not do, moment by moment. This helps so much in not getting too attached and in handling any major course re-directions with greater equanimity. Phew! So, I would say that I am trusting where the Great Mystery leads, one breath and one step at a time.

How do you personally interpret the words “interfaith” or “interfaith minister”? Someone with a deep faith in, and a deep knowing of, the innate Wholeness within themselves. Someone who recognises and is willing to face and heal their own judgements, prejudices and projections. Someone willing to engage in regular nourishing and expansive spiritual practice. Someone who is aware when they need support and who takes action to receive this. Someone who gives compassionate care to themselves.

Someone who can meet with and behold the innate Wholeness within others, through a ‘clean’ lens, emanating the deepest compassion. Someone who recognises the Unifying Light within us all, equally and without exception.

Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening minister’s practices? As ministers, we all need a safe, sacred space to be ‘seen’, heard and held in the truth of who and what we really are. Being human is a beautiful and challenging ride with lots of twists and turns! And when we are on a path of service, we are especially called to be with integrity and to notice when our relationship with the Divine may not be ‘aligned’. So bringing our self-doubts, our blocks, our blind spots, our stuckness, our pain and our celebrations to the sanctity of supervision is an immeasurable gift.

It reminds us that we are not alone or isolated… for we are being fully met by another, who stands in the Light with us and with those we are serving. We are being met by someone who champions our gifts, our creativity, our work, our integrity, our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those we serve. Someone who witnesses and celebrates with us, and when appropriate, compassionately guides us to shine light on areas which are showing up for attention.

Supervision is a blessing. A space where we both grow in our experience of Oneness, recognising ourselves within one another and one another within ourselves. And through this recognition we can share everything both of us already know, inviting it to bring clarity as to the right next step. How beautiful is that!

What inspires you to do this work? A commitment to return to, and to be sustained by, the vibration of ‘my’ natural state of being, that I may bring forth the pure Light and Song of my Heart through a clear lens into my relationships and into this world, as an active blessing of healing. Alongside this, is a commitment to hold sacred space for others to experience the natural state of their being and to extend this deep, deep peace into their relationships and into this troubled world. All of us bring forth our own unique healing vibration that may reach far and wide for the benefit of all in the One and One in the all.

How do you bring forward innovation and creativity to your supervision practice? I love deepening and expanding my practice and all aspects of my life. I read inspiring books, engage in regular CPD and attend spiritual workshops and sacred music concerts with amazing musicians. I receive so much joy, inspiration, beauty, clarity and creativity from singing and chanting and this ripples out into my life and into my work.

Interested in working with Shianna? Get in contact at the button below: