onespirit supervisor

nicola coombe

“Thank you god for most this amazing day”

— E.E Cummings.

I often say this on waking and sleeping,

to help direct me…

What year were you ordained? 2004

What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? Knowing a place existed beyond dogma and religion for the development of the qualities of inner and spiritual leadership and an authentic outer life, open to all people, and to serve all of Life.

What services do you provide? I offer 1-1 supervision and group and team supervision, with many years of experience in both, as both a supervisor and a client.

What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? My experience of supervision as a client has been transformational, educational, at times thrilling and mind and heart-opening, challenging – and simply game-changing for my own work practice and self and professional development.

How can clients get in touch with you? By email here or via WhatsApp: +447904142236.

Get to Know Me

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? The warmth and wonder of being invited into each other’s lives, with clients and friends and minister peers, to deeply attend to whatever it is that matters most at that time.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Growing a relationship of mutual trust where true work, confidence, courageous inquiry, joy and healing can blossom.

How do you put your personal ministry into practice? I understand that my life is my ministry, and in this, there isn’t anywhere where practice is not relevant. My work has focused on transformational leadership education and organisational development; spiritual counselling, supervision, and executive coaching.

Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? Listening for the next whisper on the breeze, most likely building on all that is current, and into new forms that attend to the fast-moving world and its urgent calls for being awake….

How do you personally interpret the words “interfaith” or “interfaith minister”? Faith paths of the heart, with names and without names, between and sometimes buried within spiritual paths – all the places that INTERrupt old forms and INTERweave the new.

Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening a minister’s practices Accountability, witnessing, joy, encouragement, self and professional development and healing, transformational understanding of work and our ability to see it all from utterly new angles and with courageous agency and love.

What inspires you to do this work? Building constellations of relevant, attuned, awake and courageous ministers who are prepared to lean into things that are difficult, awkward, messy, complicated, hard, and always holy.

What sets your ministry apart from others? I’ve worked in many different contexts, roles, organisations, and countries. I have a long immersion in social, political, leadership and spiritual inquiries, and the deep call for intersectional justice and practices. I am trained in clinical social work, crisis and person-centred counselling, group work and facilitation, therapeutic breathwork, spiritual counselling, ceremony, and executive coaching. I work with kindness and depth and receive feedback that these multiple lenses create a strong foundation for clients to feel widely supported and inspired in their unfolding and deepening and confidence.