onespirit supervisor
maureen treanor

I have come to know the deep healing of Sacred Connection,
I will work with you in Spiritual Counselling,
in creating Ceremony and Ritual to
celebrate and support all of Life’s Sacred moments.
What year were you ordained? 2020
What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? Training with OneSpirit afforded me the opportunity to deepen and broaden my Spirituality and to consoladate my previous training in both theology and therapy. This enabled me to become a Celebrant and to offer meaningful ministry and connection to people on their life journey.
What services do you provide? I provide ceremonies for all of life’s journeys, I am included on the HSE register of celebrant in Ireland and can offer legal wedding ceremonies. I offer therapy both online and in-person. I also offer supervision both in person and online.
What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? Supervising has been part of my professional life for 15 years. I have hold an MA in Cross Professional Supervision and I have completed the two year training to become a registered Systemic supervisor. It was a very natural development for me to make Supervision a strong element of my OneSpirit Ministry.
How can clients get in touch with you? I can be contacted by email here or by phone 00353 87 2326758.
Get to Know Me
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? The joy of connection. Being able to be present with people in the deep moments of life.
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Being able to support others on their professional / personal journey.
How do you put your personal ministry into practice? Central to my ministry is embodyment. My vow is to Minister in Love, to be grounded in Presence and to live with Joy.
Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? Wherever the Spirit leads me.
Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening a minister’s practices? I know from first hand experience the role supervision has played in supporting my delelopment in my ministry. It is a joy to be able to offer this to others.