I’ve been truly touched by all the messages of support and connection from my friends over this past week.
The displays of togetherness, simple kindness within community and courageous acts of support for others, from everyday people that I know, have deeply moved me.
It’s clear that many of us see the cracks in the system and society and are determined not just to paper them over, but to dig deeper and understand the roots of these issues within ourselves and society.
There are no easy answers and we may have different perspectives on what the causes and solutions are.
Displays of togetherness and connection are what many of us need now more than ever.
Loneliness and orchestrated separation are prevalent worldwide.
But let’s be clear: togetherness isn’t about agreement, sameness or the saccharine sweetness of an easily said ‘love and light’. It’s not about avoiding tough conversations or pretending everything is perfect.
True togetherness allows for differences, embraces the messy, and acknowledges the real challenges we face.
It’s about standing side by side, even when we don’t see eye to eye.
This has been the theme of this year for me and many of the people that I know.
I’ve been actively holding spaces for deep loving connection with myself, loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, students and clients and the world around us.
One of the most powerful examples of working with the themes of togetherness and connection was the final retreat and ordination ceremony for the Class of 2024 OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers.
These newly ordained ministers are the beautiful people who I am pictured with alongside this post.
These courageous souls, from different cultures, countries, faith paths, spiritual traditions, religions and backgrounds all came together despite their differences in service of their personal vow and the communities that they will serve.
I was ordained as a OneSpirit Minister in 2015 making a commitment to hold ceremony, ritual and spiritual counselling for people of any faith or none. This is integrated into my life and work in The Wild Wisdom with Monica Douglas The Wild Wisdom Oracle with Monica Douglas
This year I had the challenge and privilege of being a tutor for this class alongside my dear friend and fellow tutor Nicola Coombe this year.
It was not easy.
At all.
This was hard work for everyone over the two years of training.
As well as the ecstasy of the Ordination there were breakdowns in communication, separation and distance as part of the journey.
Yet, those who could hold on to the higher purpose of loving connection and togetherness reached their destination.
We experienced loving togetherness and connection in a deep and profound way by including the differences as part of the tapestry.
I believe that if we open ourselves up to connection, it creates a space for us to make this world a better place one relationship at a time.
It requires discernment and right timing and sometimes our conscious absence or silence is what is required to allow there to be meaningful connection, or for us to be able to see the fullness of our similarities and differences.
In order to experience connection I often go into nature. The teaching of our interconnectedness is very clear in the natural world.
As an act of self-love and to foster a sense of togetherness, I’m committing to spending more time in nature with my loved ones, and I encourage you to do the same.
I am going to dive into the Peak District in Derbyshire before I go back to Barbados, with walking, ceremony, dancing and simple acts of being together.
If you wish to meet up with me in person in nature DM me and I’ll send you the details.
Let’s continue to be in connection and make this world a better place, together.
Credit to photographer: Emma Stoner @emmastonerphotos. With thanks to Reverend Samantha Moyo for commissioning Emma as her photographer for the Ordination @mysticmoyo.
I’ve been truly touched by all the messages of support and connection from my friends over this past week.
The displays of togetherness, simple kindness within community and courageous acts of support for others, from everyday people that I know, have deeply moved me.
It’s clear that many of us see the cracks in the system and society and are determined not just to paper them over, but to dig deeper and understand the roots of these issues within ourselves and society.
There are no easy answers and we may have different perspectives on what the causes and solutions are.
Displays of togetherness and connection are what many of us need now more than ever.
Loneliness and orchestrated separation are prevalent worldwide.
But let’s be clear: togetherness isn’t about agreement, sameness or the saccharine sweetness of an easily said ‘love and light’. It’s not about avoiding tough conversations or pretending everything is perfect.
True togetherness allows for differences, embraces the messy, and acknowledges the real challenges we face.
It’s about standing side by side, even when we don’t see eye to eye.
This has been the theme of this year for me and many of the people that I know.
I’ve been actively holding spaces for deep loving connection with myself, loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, students and clients and the world around us.
One of the most powerful examples of working with the themes of togetherness and connection was the final retreat and ordination ceremony for the Class of 2024 OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers.
These newly ordained ministers are the beautiful people who I am pictured with alongside this post.
These courageous souls, from different cultures, countries, faith paths, spiritual traditions, religions and backgrounds all came together despite their differences in service of their personal vow and the communities that they will serve.
I was ordained as a OneSpirit Minister in 2015 making a commitment to hold ceremony, ritual and spiritual counselling for people of any faith or none. This is integrated into my life and work in The Wild Wisdom with Monica Douglas The Wild Wisdom Oracle with Monica Douglas
This year I had the challenge and privilege of being a tutor for this class alongside my dear friend and fellow tutor Nicola Coombe this year.
It was not easy.
At all.
This was hard work for everyone over the two years of training.
As well as the ecstasy of the Ordination there were breakdowns in communication, separation and distance as part of the journey.
Yet, those who could hold on to the higher purpose of loving connection and togetherness reached their destination.
We experienced loving togetherness and connection in a deep and profound way by including the differences as part of the tapestry.
I believe that if we open ourselves up to connection, it creates a space for us to make this world a better place one relationship at a time.
It requires discernment and right timing and sometimes our conscious absence or silence is what is required to allow there to be meaningful connection, or for us to be able to see the fullness of our similarities and differences.
In order to experience connection I often go into nature. The teaching of our interconnectedness is very clear in the natural world.
As an act of self-love and to foster a sense of togetherness, I’m committing to spending more time in nature with my loved ones, and I encourage you to do the same.
I am going to dive into the Peak District in Derbyshire before I go back to Barbados, with walking, ceremony, dancing and simple acts of being together.
If you wish to meet up with me in person in nature DM me and I’ll send you the details.
Let’s continue to be in connection and make this world a better place, together.
Credit to photographer: Emma Stoner @emmastonerphotos. With thanks to Reverend Samantha Moyo for commissioning Emma as her photographer for the Ordination @mysticmoyo.
– Written by OneSpirit Faculty Member, Monica Douglas
Monica Douglas: Monica Douglas is a dedicated OneSpirit Faculty Member and the Founder of The Wild Wisdom with Monica Douglas, where she serves as a Mentor Coach and Trainer. You can reach her by clicking here.