Natasha Hood

Natasha Hood

A deep welcome to you.

I am a life celebrant, author, and community singing leader based in north Norfolk.

I seek to meet life in as much of an engaged and spirited way as possible. I have learned to become more welcoming of a whole, more real, version of myself which includes grief and hurt places, as well as a great capacity for love and joy. I long to meet and share with others from these places.

It is my joy to offer and hold celebrations, workshops, personalised ceremonies, seasonal and devotional events, sacred space, beautiful harmony singing, and all rites of passage.

More information:


‘I have lost count of how many of our friends and family have commented that it was the most beautiful ceremony they have ever been to, how lovely you were and how personal it was. We even had a lot of happy tears from people who ‘never cry at weddings’, but couldn’t help themselves because it was just so beautiful’. – Katie & Tom

After a funeral: ‘Natasha had incredible, and a radiantly warm, spiritual presence. Everybody loved it, and I heard two later conversations from people lamenting how terrible, in comparison, other funerals that they have attended have been.’ – Alistair McIntosh

Feedback from a singing workshop participant: ‘You have an extraordinary, inspirational talent that seems to bring out the best in everyone!’ – Bruce