Fay Barratt

Fay Barratt

Fay is an artist and spiritual teacher with many years of experience.

She was on the Faculty of OneSpirit for 9 years before initiating the Mary Magdalene School of Wisdom which she led until 2022.

Fay does regular services and sacred art classes at the Monastery Manchester and is on the faculty of Mythica Foundation. After many years of offering weddings, funerals and life passage rituals as well as spiritual counselling, supervision and spiritual direction, Fay not only takes on a few clients.

She has just published a set of cards using her paintings – Mary Magdalene and the Women Disciples.

“Not only will you find a treasury of information about Mary Magdalene and the Myrrhbearers but the banquet of suggestions for creative practice, visualizations and embodied prayer may immeasurably deepen and perhaps even transform your inner life.” – Kayleen Asbo.
