Anna Benn

  • Based In: Southeast England
  • Also Serving: Southeast England
  • Services: Accredited OneSpirit Supervisor, Baby Blessings/Namings, Ceremonies & Rituals, Funerals/Memorials, Personal Crafted Ceremonies, Remote Services, Rites of Passage, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Supervision, Weddings, Worship Services
  • Ordained In: 2017

Anna Benn

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl’s quote has been a guiding light for me for many years, from growing up in apartheid-riven pre-independence Zimbabwe, through almost three decades in the ordained ministry in Ireland, primarily working as a school and hospital chaplain, conducting a diverse range of ceremonies, to teaching at second- and third-levels, and, latterly, offering spiritual counselling/accompaniment and therapeutic supervision to individuals and groups from diverse professional and personal backgrounds…all the while, seeking to find and explore that space between stimulus and response….