nickie aven
What year were you ordained? 2010
What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? Initially, a desire to hold ceremonies in a way which deepened connection and meaning. I also loved the sense of community and shared endeavour, albeit we worked according to our individual understanding of Life.
What services do you provide? I offer supervision, spiritual counselling/accompaniment, celebrancy and funeral planning. I am particularly interested in working with people who are grieving or dying or those who work with them.
How can clients get in touch with you? Email me here, or contact me via my website –
What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? I mentored Interfaith student ministers for 2 years and was inspired by bearing witness to their transformation. Being a supervisor allows me to be a small part of someone’s growing understanding.
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? My ministry is a vehicle for my love, my understanding and my skills. That I have the opportunity to use these in service to Life, is a deep privilege.
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Bearing witness to the unfolding of a person’s understanding and clarity is a joy.

How do you put your personal ministry into practice? Currently, much of my ministry is concerned with grieving and dying, and I run a small social enterprise through which I offer groups and sessions. I also write a fortnightly blog on these subjects to bring solace and connection to those who are suffering or isolated.
Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? Who can say?! But I would like to think it involves more writing, and some books are on their way and brewing.
Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening a minister’s practices? I have been in supervision since 1994 when I was training as a homoeopath. It would not occur to me, 30 years on, to work without the sounding board and clarity of a supervisor alongside me, to ensure that I am safe, ethical and clear – and accompanied. In supervision, we can share our concerns and our mistakes, without fear of judgement. We are less lonely and isolated in our work, we have a place to work with our ‘blindspots’, and we have someone who cares about us and will celebrate with us.
What sets your ministry apart from others? I think everyone’s ministry is unique. We have all acquired skills and wisdom along the way and I believe that every minister puts their heart into their work. I am no better or worse than anyone else but the two major strands of my work are listening and grief. I have listened, held space, and born witness to people within individual sessions and groups for 30 years. it remains the cornerstone of my work. Secondly, since a child, I have known grief, worked with it for many years as a homoeopath and then as a minister and more recently experienced a profound loss of my own. I bring all this experience to my ministry.