information packs

Every year, we update this page to house the information packet for each new year’s training offering. Coming soon, this page will house the information packet for the Birch Pathway.

While all these details are accessible throughout our website, we also offer a downloadable version of the information, for those who prefer reading offline. The Information Packet also contains comprehensive information about OneSpirit, including our history, journey, and mission. Should you encounter any issues or have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Check out the information packet for last year’s offering below. We will be posting our new offering soon – stay tuned!  


  • Our Curriculum

  • Which Path is Right for you?

  • Training Overview (Aspen)

  • The Six Curriculum Strands

  • Thematic Development

  • Training Delivery

  • Training Structure

  • Intro to Your Core Tutor

  • OneSpirit Living Forum

  • Overview of Fees

  • Training Fees 2023

  • Intro Days Overview

  • After the Training

  • What is an Interfaith Minister?

  • Useful Contact Info