amanda edwards

What year were you ordained? 2006

What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? Having followed various spiritual paths throughout my life, I knew it was the right time to be more open about my Love of Love, which is how I relate to God. Having met Miranda (our Founder) who encouraged me to do the training, I knew the time had come and that One Spirit was the perfect path for me.

What services do you provide? Having done many ceremonies previously, I now concentrate on my offerings of Spiritual Counselling / Accompaniment and Supervision.

What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? I feel I am at the right time of my life when I can give back and support and walk alongside others. Life is about sharing and exploring together. I love the journey you take with someone in supervision, helping to be a listening mirror, so they can find the way that is right for them.

How can clients get in touch with you? As emails can sometimes go to into junk mail, I prefer it if I am contacted via text on my mobile: 07703561616. You can also learn more via my Minister Profile here.

"Finding the gift in all situations, through which we grow."

– Amanda, OneSpirit Supervisor

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? Being open about my Love of Spirit, celebrating it and helping others to find their path to Love.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an accredited supervisor? Walking alongside students and ministers, being there as a listening heart, supporting them in opening to the fullness of their Being.

How do you put your personal ministry into practice? Turning up to each day and every situation with Love. My guiding principle is to do no harm.

Where do you see your ministry taking you in the future? Getting closer to my concept of God, by being still, listening and observing the whispers of Love.

How do you personally interpret the words “interfaith” or “interfaith minister”? One Spirit is more how I see it. The strap line of ‘Many Ways to the One Truth” speaks to me.

Why do you believe supervision plays an essential role in developing and deepening a minister’s practices? Through my own personal experience of having supervision, I know how essential it is. Supervision provides a safe moment in time where you can explore anything that is bothering you, causing stress or a lack of motivation in any aspect of your work or professional life. Personal issues come into the arena as well and may be hindering how you turn up in the world. Knowing I can take any issues I may be grappling with, to my supervision, to be explored without judgment allows me to be fully present and to find joy in what I do.

What inspires you to do this work? Seeing the Beauty in Others and sharing in the joy when they discover that for themselves.

What aspects of your work do you find the most inspiring, rewarding, etc.? Finding the gift in all situations, through which we grow.

How do you bring forward innovation and creativity to your supervision practice? Through my own practice and exploration of Spirit. Being open to responding to what is meaningful for the supervisee.

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